Many of you will already know me as Cath McDowell from McDowells Herbal.
As the Director of McDowells Herbal for over three decades, my journey has brought me in contact with countless passionate horse owners. These individuals embark on their equestrian endeavours, dreaming of forging a lasting partnership, only to encounter obstacles. Whether it's a horse ill-suited to their needs, a history shrouded in mystery, or the unfortunate occurrence of trauma or injury, these challenges can derail their aspirations.
The outcome often leaves these owners with a dilemma: a beloved horse that requires ongoing care until the end of their days, or the difficult decision to sell, relinquishing control over their horse's fate.
Throughout my years, I have had the fortune of acquiring several horses, and luck was on my side on a few occasions. One particular acquisition stands out—the magnificent 12-year-old Aachen granddaughter named Ego Elysium. It was with her that I embarked on my Level 1 G NCAS coaching journey. This remarkable mare exemplified perfection, demonstrating unwavering soundness, prowess in cross country and show jumping and an impressive presence in the dressage arena. Ego Elysium remained in my care until the age of 27, passing away peacefully, sound as a bell, and never having left my ownership. Reflecting on this extraordinary partnership, I now realise the remarkable fortune that graced my life.

My understanding of horses and their owners' challenges is rooted in personal experience, allowing me to empathise deeply with new owners who lack the guidance and expertise to acquire a suitable horse. Furthermore, I empathise greatly with horses who, through no fault of their own, are burdened with undeserved reputations as they strive to navigate the demands we place upon them.
My ultimate vision is to cultivate horses whose needs are prioritised, ensuring they receive the finest holistic management and care while enjoying ample time to grow and flourish in natural herds.
At Winterwood Sports Horses, we refrain from preparing horses solely for the competitive rigours of early-age breed classes. Instead, we emphasise allowing our horses to develop at their own pace, avoiding unnecessary pressure to display extreme presentations of their natural gaits. With gentle guidance, they naturally exhibit the balanced and athletic gaits that will impress you. The rest, the refinement and finesse, comes naturally through correct training methods.